What Really Feeds You?


In the Fall, plants send their energy down into their roots, and away from growth about above ground. It is a natural part of the life cycle.

But what about us? We do the same, but we often don’t recognize the signals our bodies and psyches are sending us. Signals like:


feeling inwardly focused, wanting to stay at home


reminiscing about old loves/friends/things lost

sudden desire to bake loads of treats. or soup.

Are you suddenly depressed, or just feeling the shift in the season? If this isn’t your baseline, I would guess its your body and psyche shifting down, like all biological organisms do at this time of year. Here are few things you can do to honor yourself and your natural rythyms:

say no to some social invitation if you’re on the fence

carve out time - in your actual schedule - to stay in and be UNproductive

sit on the couch, look out the window

turn off your phone

slow cook something hearty & warming

Ask yourself: What really feeds me? sustains me? nourishes me? which habits? which relationships? In what ways? How am I rooted into, and interdependent with my world?


Whatever you discover, let yourself feel this nourishment.

Give thanks.

Laurel FineComment